Standard Conditions of Purchase
AT Engineering Technology Ltd manufacture products up to and including AS9100 standard specification. A minimum standard of ISO9001 is applied across all products and features of the business.
1. Any purchase needs to have verification that it meets the applicable specifications (a minimum level Certificate of Conformity is required). Where specified, certificate to level 3.1 (AS9100/EN9120) must be supplied. Where documentation and conformity to order specification is not supplied, AT Engineering Ltd will not accept delivery.
2. Only suppliers approved by AT Engineering Technology Ltd will be used to make purchases. Any changes to a supplier’s quality certification, registration or accreditation must be reported within 48 hours of receiving notification of change.
3. AT Engineering Technology Ltd will monitor supplier production/service conformity and delivery performance. Action will be taken when performance is deemed to be substandard.
4. Some products manufactured by AT Engineering Technology Ltd are used in aerospace, defence and other demanding applications/industries. The supplier shall ensure those working on or providing parts/materials where compliance to AS9100 has been specified, are aware of the effect a non-conformity can have on product reliability and safety.
5. No parts of an order may be subcontracted without given consent.
6. The supplier shall prevent and mitigate the use of counterfeit materials and parts using a suitable plan.
7. If it is found that a non-conforming material/product has already been shipped, then AT Engineering Technology Ltd must be advised within 24 hours of the discovery.
8. AT Engineering Technology Ltd send random samples of materials, which have been specified to meet the requirements of AS9100 (AS9120), for testing. The tests verify tensile strength and composition. Any issues identified through testing will be managed in line with AT Engineering Technology Ltd.’s Non-Conformance process. Where necessary, the appropriate authorities shall be informed.
9. AT Engineering Technology Ltd expect all suppliers to behave in an ethical manner and comply with the U.K. Bribery Act 2010.
10. Right of access to all facilities used in the supply chain process and all applicable records shall be granted for AT Engineering Technology Ltd and any customers or regulatory authorities.
11. Records relating to AT Engineering Technology Ltd parts or orders must not be disposed of without written permission. If permission to dispose of records is given, careful consideration should be taken to ensure confidentiality is maintained.
12. Where appropriate, only the latest version of drawings will be supplied with an order. If the supplier retains copies of the drawings from previous orders/quotations, it is their responsibility to ensure that the latest versions are used for manufacture.
13. All drawings and purchase orders supplied by AT Engineering Ltd will outline the specification/standard and level of certification required.
14. To support the responsible sourcing of minerals within our supply chain, AT Engineering Technology Ltd suppliers are, within regards to certain minerals (Tin, Tantalum, Tungsten and Gold including their derivatives) originating in the Democratic Republic of Congo or surrounding countries, expected to have in place a supply chain policy and process to undertake:
• A reasonable inquiry into the origin of Conflict Minerals incorporated into products it provides to AT Engineering Ltd.
• Due diligence (with reference to OECD/CFSI guidance or similar) of its supply chain, as necessary, to determine if Conflict Minerals sourced from the Covered Countries directly or indirectly support unlawful conflict.
• A risk assessment and mitigation actions necessary to implement the country of origin inquiry and due diligence procedures.
15. Where AT Engineering Technology Ltd provide Free Issue material(s) to produce parts, all material(s) must be segregated and used only to produce the part(s) specified. Excess material must be retained for AT Engineering use only. Any programmes, tools or fixtures used should be validated before production and periodically checked. Records of validation must be retained.
Parts which do not meet the specification may be returned for re-work at the supplier’s cost or may be altered in house. AT Engineering Technology Ltd will reserve the right to request a reduction in the purchase price of the rejected item.
16. Where AT Engineering Ltd have made a purchase of treatment finishes, modification to any purchase, such as stripping and retreating, is strictly prohibited without authorisation.
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